Archive plan search

    • A - Amtsbücher (1600-2002)
    • B - Behördenbestände (1607-2018)
    • D - Dokumentationen (1381-2009)
      • D 01 Jüdische Geschichte (1500-2009)
      • D 02 Widerstand (1933-1995)
      • D 03 Stadtgeschichte vor 1945 (1381-1946)
      • D 05 - Mannheimer Landtagsabgeordnete (1850-1933)
      • D 07 Arbeiterbewegung in Baden (1848-1985)
      • D 08 Demokratische Bewegung in Mannheim 1848-1948 (1829-1952)
      • D 10 Amerikanische Militärregierung (1945-1999)
      • D 12 Mannheim im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1939-1947)
        • 3. Regierung und Partei
        • 4. Industrie und Gewerbe
        • 5. Private Berichte und Eindrücke
        • 6.1 Armeeberichte
        • 6.2 Sonstiges
        • 7.2 Fachbücher
        • 8.2 Zeitungsartikel nach 1945
        • 9.1 Luftangriff
        • 9.2 Luftschutz
        • 9.3 Offizielle Unterlagen der Behörden
        • 9.4 Berichte aus Industrie und Gewerbe
        • 9.5 Private Berichte und Eindrücke
        • 9.6.1 Armeeberichte
          • 5/1950_00016 United States Strategic Bombing Survey (1947)
          • 5/1950_00029 Chronology and Index of the 2nd World War 12.1940 - 03.1945. Luftangriffe auf und Besetzung von Mannheim. Ausgegeben vom... (1940-1945)
          • 5/1950_00051 Interpretation Report No. K1714 and Key to Distributed Print (Rep. No. K1714). Attacks by Bomber Command 9/10 August and... (1943)
          • 5/1950_00052 Secret Signal confirming telephone conversation from HQ Bomber Command for operations night 5/6 Sept. 1943 target Mannh... (1943)
          • 5/1950_00053 Bomber Command Quarterly Review No. 6 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00054 Interpretation Report No. K 1714 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00055 Interpretation Report no. K 1744 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00056 Interceptions/tactis No. 198/43 Night 23rd/24th Sept. 1943 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00057 Bomber Command Report on Night Operations 5/6th Sept. 1943 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00058 Bomb Raid 10.206 4/5 June 1940 [Report?] on Mannheim (1940)
          • 5/1950_00059 Bomber Command Summary of Operations for 23rd/24th Sept. 1943 - Location and Target Mannheim (1943)
          • 5/1950_00060 Night operation sheet No. 1835 5/6th Sept. 1943, Task includes Mannheim (1943)
          • 5/1950_00061 Night Raid Report No. 431. Bomber Command Reprot on Night Operations 23/24th Sept. 1943 (1943)
          • 5/1950_00076 Einsatztagebuch der 8th US Air Force (1943-1945)
          • 5/1950_00081 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations (1945)
          • 5/1950_00082 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations (1945)
          • 5/1950_00083 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations (1945)
          • 5/1950_00084 No. 8 (Pathfinder Force) Group Operations Record Book. (1945)
          • 5/1950_00085 7 Squadron. Operation Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00086 35 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00087 No. 105 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00088 109 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00089 128 Squadron. Operation Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00090 142 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00091 162 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00092 156 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00093 163 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00094 582 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00095 608 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00096 635 Sqadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00097 692 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00098 405 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00099 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations (1945)
          • 5/1950_00100 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations (1945)
          • 5/1950_00101 No. 3 Group Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00102 No. 4 Group Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00103 No. 6 Group Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00104 No. 8 (Pathfinder Force) Group (1945)
          • 5/1950_00105 10 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00106 12 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00107 15 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00108 51 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00109 75 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00110 76 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00111 77 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00112 78 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00113 90 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00114 100 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00115 101 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00116 102 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00117 103 Squadron. Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00118 105 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00119 109 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00120 115 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00121 128 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00122 139 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00123 149 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00124 150 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00125 153 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00126 158 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00127 166 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00128 170 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00129 186 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00130 195 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00131 218 (Gold Coast) Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00132 300 (Polish) Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00133 346 French Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00134 347 French Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00135 408 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00136 415 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00137 419 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00138 420 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00139 424 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00140 425 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00141 426 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00142 427 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00143 428 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00144 429 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00145 431 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00146 432 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00147 433 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00148 434 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00149 460 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00150 466 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00151 514 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00152 550 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00153 571 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00154 576 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00155 608 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00156 622 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00157 625 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00158 640 Squadron Operations Record Book (1945)
          • 5/1950_00159 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations No 920, 928, 936 (1944)
          • 5/1950_00160 Bomber Command Intelligence Narrative of Operations No 962, 964, 969 (1944)
          • 5/1950_00161 1 Group Operations Record Book (1944)
          • 5/1950_00162 6 Group Operations Record Book (1944)
          • 5/1950_00163 8 Group Operations Record Book (1944)
          • 5/1950_00164 12 Squadron Operations Record Book (1944)
          • 5/1950_00165 100 Squadron Operations Record Book (1944)
          • 5/1950_00166 103 Squadron Operations Record Book (1944)
          • Open the next 100 entries ... (another 100 entries)
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        • 9.6.2 Sonstiges
        • 9.7.2 Fachbücher
        • 9.8.1 Zeitungsartikel bis 1945
        • 9.8.2 Zeitungsartikel nach 1945
        • 9.8.3 Sonstiges
        • 9.10 Militärtechnik
        • 9.11 Sonstiges
        • 10. Sonstiges
        • noch keine Klassifikation
      • D 13 Mündliche Geschichte (1947-1993)
      • D 16 Ludwig Marum (1915-1992)
      • D 17 Carl Ludwig Sand (1813-1973)
      • D 18 Mannheim im Ersten Weltkrieg (1915-1918)
      • D 19 Gedenkstätte Sandhofen (1913-1991)
      • D 20 Mannheim 1945-1949 (Material Irek) (1945-1950)
      • D 21 Gefallene im 1. Weltkrieg (1914-1918)
      • D 23 Gartenstadtbewegung (1924-1991)
      • D 25 Lukas Strauß (1891-1989)
      • D 26 Geschichte des Stadtarchivs Mannheim (1895-1997)
      • D 27 Revolution 1848/1849 in Mannheim (1840-1998)
      • D 28 GBG (1923-2001)
      • D 29 Carlo Schmid (1901-1997)
      • D 30 Statistisches Handbuch Mannheim (1790-1988)
      • D 33 Mannheimer Ehrenbürger
      • D 34 Mannheim im pfälzischen Erbfolgekrieg (1688-1707)
      • D 36 August von Kotzebue (Sammlung Schöll) (1700-2000)
      • D 37 Schifffahrtsgeschichte (1800-1990)
      • D 38 Gulden-Mark-Euro (1974-2004)
      • D 39 Dokumentation Albrecht (1606-2001)
      • D 40 Weimarer Republik (1746-2007)
      • D 41 Leihamt (1721-2007)
      • D 43 Anfänge der Stadtwerdung Mannheims (1597-2007)
      • D 45 Karl Benz (1868-1986)
      • D 46 Dresdner Bank (1911-1992)
      • D 48 Armin Ronai (1875-2009)
      • D 51 Migrationsgeschichte (2012-2012)
      • D 53 Zweiter Weltkrieg (1889-1994)
      • D 61 Mannheim - Niederlande
      • D 63 Sammlung Günther Schwarz (1880-2004)
    • M - Meldeunterlagen (1807-1900)
    • N - Nichtstädtische Bestände (1366-2014)
    • NL - Nachlässe (1318-2021)
    • S - Sammlungen
    • BB - Bibliothek
    • Stadtarchiv Viernheim (0777-2019)

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