KE00740 Waldeck, Florian (1886-1960), Rechtsanwalt: Autographensammlung, 1897-1913 (Kl. Erwerbung)

Archive plan context

Title:Waldeck, Florian (1886-1960), Rechtsanwalt: Autographensammlung
Schlagworte:Waldeck, Florian (P); Bassermann, August (P); Billing, Hermann (P); Durm, Josef (P); Engelhardt, Emil (P); Eswein, Karl (P); Gregori, Ferdinand (P); Hagemann, Carl (P); Hecht, Felix (P); Hofmann, Julius (P); Krastel, Fritz (P); Ladenburg, Carl (P);
Creation date(s):1897 - 1913
Ref. code:KE00740
Ref. code AP:KE00740
Inhaltliche Erschliessung:enthält:
August Bassermann (1898-1907)
Hermann Billing (1906)
Josef Durm (1898, 1905)
Emil Engelhard (1913)
Karl Eswein (1908)
Ferdinand Gregori (1904)
Karl Hagemann (1906, 1908)
Felix Hecht (1905, Todesanzeige)
Julius Hofmann (1906, 1907)
Fritz Krastel (1904, Todesanzeige)
Karl Ladenburg (o. D.)


End of term of protection:12/31/1943
Permission required:Keine
Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt

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